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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Home Remedies for Headache

Headache or pain in the head is caused due to stress, reaction caused by drugs, improper rest and diet. Whatever is the cause of headache, right herbal treatment and staying stress free can eliminate headache effectively with no side effects. In ayurveda it is known as shirh shool. It is usually dominated by vata dosha thought there is enough involvement of pitta and kapha dosha in causing it.

1. Causes for Headache
2. Tips for Headache
3. Home Remedies for Headache

Headache Causes

High blood pressure is one of the causes of headache. Long fever and eyes infections also lead to headache. Inadequate sleep also leads to headache. Stress, acidity, improper flow of neuro chemicals between various nerves leads to headache called migraine headache and as a result there is improper blood circulation in brain and there are mental disturbances.
Poor metabolism leads to headache. A problem in small and large intestines also causes of headache. Inflammation in body leads to headache. Hereditary and genetics may be the cause of cluster headaches which are very unbearable, as they start from one side of the head and spreads to other side. Defect in the brain part called hypothalamus also cause headache. Problem in breathing leads to headache.

Tips for Headache

Tips that will keep you free from headache

Eat green and fibrous vegetables.

Take good sleep.

Never skip your regular balanced diet. Hunger also causes headache.

A fruit like banana gives you energy and relief from headache.

Live in a peaceful environment. Noise pollution is one of the causes of headache so stay away from high sound.

Live a stress-free life.

Avoid eating junk and fried foods as this aggravates headache.

Drink lots of water.

Excess cheese, chocolate, creams, and muttons should be avoided in the diet.

Eat foods rich in Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.

Iron and protein-rich food are good for health and keep you in good shape and relives or cure headache.

Eat calcium rich foods.
Vitamin B2 and magnesium are essential for diet and prevent headache.

Vitamin B2 is helpful in curing migraine headaches. Foods which are rich in Vitamin B2 are eggs, beans, meat, and green vegetables.

Minerals, iron, vitamins
are essential for body and also prevent headaches so take all these essential minerals in moderation and in natural form because high intake of this minerals can cause heart disease, improper function of immune system.

Eat food rich in magnesium, as magnesium is the one of the most effective nutrient of our diet. Lack of the magnesium minerals cause migraine headache, cluster headache, and various other diseases, so for proper metabolism, functioning, and growth of the body magnesium is a must. Intake magnesium in your regular diet, magnesium is found in soybeans, green vegetables, meat, milk, cereals, almonds, and seafood. Do not take magnesium pills as high intake of magnesium causes, weakness, drowsiness, and various other side effects. Eat natural and green leafy vegetables as it does not have any side effects.

Home Remedies for Headache

Lemon is beneficial in the cure of headache caused due to yakrit vicar (liver problem). In taking lemon juice gives you relief from headache. You can also make a powder of lemon skin and mix the powder in 1 tablespoon water to make a fine paste. Apply this paste on your temple this will give you relief from headaches in the summer days. This is one of the useful home remedies for headache.

Apple helps in relieving headaches. Eating an apple a day keeps you fit, and relief from headache.

In the summer days, paste of vinegar and henna gives you relief from headaches. Apply this paste on your temporal region and it gives you relief from headaches caused due to heat from the sun.

Make a paste of cinnamon and water and apply this paste on head and neck. This will give you relief. This is one of the important home remedies for headache.

Applying chandan (sandalwood) paste on forehead will give you relief from headaches in summer days.

Make a paste using 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder and 1 tablespoon water and gently rub on your temple and then let it dry for 15-20 minutes then wash it using cold water. This is an effective natural treatment. This is one of the best home remedies for headache.

Nariyal (Coconut) oil massages relief pain in summer days.

Lavender oil massage and various other herbal oil massages cure headache.

Applying cinnamon paste also cures headache caused in winter season.

Applying adrak (ginger) paste also cures headache caused in winter season.

Tea also soothes pain. Make tea using cumin, ginger, and coriander seeds. This tea can be taken at anytime of the day.

Drinking warm milk containing 4-5 flax seeds also soothes pain on head caused due to sinus. One of the useful home remedies for headache.

Herbal aroma for example lavender, eucalyptus, sandalwood, and many other herbal products provide good relieves on headache.

Put your legs and hands in warm water, this will also lessen the headache.

Taking a good bath using herbal soaps also relives pain.

Eucalyptus oil massages is pain reliever
and good for curing headache.

Almond oil massage helps in curing headache. Do almond oil massage on forehead and at lower muscles of your head.

Exercises relive headache caused due to migraine and other reasons.

Practice yogic exercise like:

Sit on floor with your eyes closed. Keep your body erect and take a deep breath and then hold back your breath for few seconds then release carbon dioxide and relax for few seconds. Then in the same way do this for 10 minutes.

Do pranayam regularly it will give you relief from stress and strain. Various yogic postures lead to proper blood circulation and relief from headache.

Acupressure works for headache and for many health-related problems. Acupressure point for relieving headache is in the palm area between thumb and index finger, press between the areas of thumb and index finger for 10-15 minutes, it will give you relieve on headache.
Eat natural products as they are not toxic and have no side effects. Live stress free!!!!!!!

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