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Friday, June 5, 2009

Leukemia Natural Remedies Treatment | Ayurvedic Leukemia Herbal Cure

Leukemia is a form of cancer and as such can be fatal and there is no known cure for it. Its cells break into the body and attack tissue until they are dead.

To halt the spread of the cancerous cells the tissue metabolism must be re-invigorated.

Though it is incurable, Leukemia can be controlled and the pain suffered by a patient greatly reduced if methods owing to the Ayurvedic way of life are adhered to.

Ayurvedic Cause of Leukemia
At its outset leukemia damages the internal tissue metabolism. As it does so it becomes progressively stronger and more virulent. If it is allowed to rampage through a body wholly unchecked then in a very short time it will kill the patient.

In Ayurvedic thinking this damage occurs when the digestive system begins to fail. This means that food is not ingested and broken down properly to make waste. It also means that it is not forming as rasa but ama. Ama is a negative toxin and a dense, heavy, slimy substance which because of these properties means if allowed to flow around the body unchecked it easily kills any healthy organisms that get in its way.

If allowed to get this far ama causes suppression of vata, viation of pitta and ultimately contamination of kapha. All this means that once the negative cells have affected the easiest areas to afflict they become strong enough to attack other tissues.

Ayurvedic Remedy for Leukemia

There is no absolute remedy for leukemia, all that the sufferer can do is hope to make it recede and the Ayurvedic philosophies can assist in achieving this.

Ayurvedic practices healing and natural repair to the damaged tissue or organs and to rebalance the three elements vata, pitta and kapha until health is restored.

A good, balanced healthy diet is a good starting point and foodstuffs such as raw fruit, green salad, raw vegetables etc can act as agents to purify the noxious toxins in the digestive system. Once purification begins then the tissue can begin repair until it is strong enough to fight off impure cells.

A less stressful life and more leisure time and even sleep also give the body enough time to relax and allow essential maintenance. All the traits related to stress and lack of sleep produce ama and should be avoided at all costs.

Yoga is at the heart of many of the Ayurvedic teachings and is particularly crucial to fight against Leukemia.

It is a wonderful de-stresser and can free the body. In its freedom it is more receptive to rasa energies which provide positive toxins which are vital for a general feeling of wellness.

This is not only a very good preventive measure, if we are well in ourselves our internal systems are much less likely to be attacked and fall victim to negative energies, but also if a disease has taken hold and is spreading, then positive energies and feelings are vital in leading the fight back.

Overall it is an improved diet and lifestyle compromises that start the healing process. But it is yoga and Ayurvedic that do the final tuning to the tissues and internal systems that leads to remission of diseases such as leukemia.


Stomach Problems

Stomach Problems Treatment Natural Cure | Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies

Stomach problems, specifically ulcers are lesions that occur within the stomach lining, adjoining to the intestinal tract. According to Ayurvedic studies, the cause of stomach ulcers is from too much hyperactivity. This in turn increases the amount of hydrochloric acids, in the stomach.

Symptoms of Ulcers
* Sharp pain in the upper abdomen area,
* Excessive flatulence,
* Weakness in the body (lack of energy).

Long term affects of patient not receiving treatment for ulcers are as follows:

* Muscle Tension
* Insomnia
* Blood in the Stool

Home Remedies for Ulcers

Milk: This widely available commodity comforts the stomach and relieves the patient from stomach pains.

Lifestyle changes: People who have ulcers should avoid strong alcoholic drinks and sodas. Also, the person should be careful not to overeat. Excessive fatty foods should be avoided. The increase of fresh fruit and vegetables would be helpful in preventing the growth of ulcers also. Furthermore, the patient should be sure to drink 7-8 glasses of water a day.

Non-acidic and non-spicy foods would be most beneficial for the body. This is also a great practice for prevention of ulcers before they even appear.

Regular exercize: Deep breathing exercises are great for the body, and should be done by the patient everyday. Also, a person with ulcers should be rid of excess worry, and be sure to plan enough relaxation time. Too much activity aggravates an ulcer. It is also important for this person (and anybody) to stay cheerful.

On the contrary, it is suggested that the patient stays involved in a variety of activities, such as hobbies, or working a job, and making relationships with others.

Enough activity in good proportion can aid to the restoration of health and balance of the body. The patient just needs to be careful not to overdo any activity and always make sure the stomach is full of non-acidic substance, whether it is food or drink. In addition, a balanced life can reduce the chance of future, more severe diseases to afflict upon the patient.

Quit Smoking: A person with ulcers should also quit smoking as soon as possible.
Herbal Remedies for Ulcers

Giloy: This entire plant has useful, medicinal value. Giloy cures many disorders, including ulcers.

Amla: This fruit has 20 times the amount of Vitamin C that oranges have. It helps recreate red blood cells. It also rebuilds, and maintains new tissues. Amla is also an excellent source of Gallic and tannic acids, cellulose, and albumin.

Moti (Pearl): A substance called Pearl (Moti) ash is safe to take for the treatment of ulcers, and has absolutely no side effects. It contains carbonate and lime oxide. This powder form is usually given twice a day with honey.

Shonka (Conch Shell): This is the one that most aids in the recovery from ulcers. It aids as prevention against ulcer reformation. This is a new treatment in the experimental phase. However, it has tested to be very effective.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Treatment of Ulcers
Moti pisti, Ayucid, and Avipatrikar Churna all contain herbal substances which aid in the restoration of the stomach lining. These also decrease the abdominal pain, and help a person regain bodily strength. These are very potent, and also safe. They have little to no side affects at all.


Stomach Ulcers

Stomach Ulcers Treatment Cure | Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Ulcers

Stomach ulcers are open sores or wounds that manifest themselves in the lining of the stomach and will cause great pain, sometimes even excruciating, to the sufferer.

Stress, indulging in too much alcohol and hot spicy food and smoking used to be thought as the most likely cause of such ulcers and whilst they are still leading factors modern medical research now consider bacterial infection and medications for other complaints as the most common causes.

If treated in time and in the right way stomach ulcers can be totally healed within three months of diagnosis and the sufferer returned to full health. However if allowed to fester within the intestine they can start bleeding and burn a hole through the wall of the stomach lining which can result in pancreatitis.

Ayurvedic Causes of Stomach Ulcers
A condition such as a stomach ulcer is caused by a disruption to all three doshas (an illness of a tri-doshic nature). But the main stem of the aggravation occurs within pitta and so the resulting treatment should be tipped towards re-balancing that.

Ayurvedic Diet for Stomach Ulcers
If an ulcer has already been diagnosed then to alleviate the quite considerable pain felt and in order to try and flush away the resulting build-up of acidity so healing can be achieved, after a meal it is recommended that the sufferer drinks a glass of milk and eats a banana as the properties found within these products neutralize the acidity.

Other foodstuffs recommended as Ayurvedic remedy for stomach ulcers

* Raw and boiled vegetables
* Other fruits
* Butter
* Cream
* Other calcium enriched products

Not only do they contain the calcium and goodness to alleviate ulcers, but also form part of the diet needed in order to stave falling victim to them in the first place.

As already stated you should avoid hot spicy foods and any other foods that will lead to the build-up of stomach gases and acidity.

Ayurvedic herbal remedies for stomach ulcers

* Bananas
* Almond milk
* Lime
* Vegetable juice
* Chandan
* Bansalochan

These can either be ingested by themselves or as by-products of other foodstuffs or herbal remedies. All come either as roots, fruits or in capsules and powders.

Ayurvedic herbal supplements to remedy stomach ulcers

* Ayucid
* Avipattikar Churna
* Mahashankha Bati
* Prawal Bhasma

Again all are available in a variety of products and can be ingested in a similarly wide ranging fashion.

All have the ability to cleanse the digestive system by neutralizing the acid and to boost the fight against the ulcer.

Ayurvedic massage as remedy for stomach ulcers

Overall lifestyle is a great factor in contracting a stomach ulcer. Not only should you moderate your intake of unsuitable foods and stop smoking, but you should avoid all stress.

Thus having a regular massage can de-stress you and help prevent an ulcer. It need not be complicated nor time consuming neither. A quick twenty minute massage with the right essential oils, some of the herbal remedies mentioned previously would be fine if they are oils or can be mixed together into one, will do wonders for your personal sense of balance and if done regularly will give you a calm that will banish all stresses.

Yoga and meditation will also give the same feeling of ease and induce a sensation of inner tranquility and a peace with the world.


Thyroid Remedies, Natural Treatment | Thyroid Ayurvedic Cure

According to information gathered by ayurvedic practitioners, thyroid problems are on the rise today. This increase is in part due to the more and more hectic lifestyles people engage in today, and it is also because of a lack of proper nutrients in the soil. Many people are affected by hypothyroidism, which is an under-productive thyroid condition, and do not even realize it.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid is overactive. The thyroid itself is a small gland that is located near the base of your throat. While the thyroid is such a small gland, its importance to the body is actually quite enormous because it is the organ that regulates our hormones. When the thyroid is not working properly, our body is not producing, or in some cases, is overproducing, certain hormones.

This imbalance can cause all sorts of problems for us. Ayurvedic medicine seeks to restore balance to our bodies by returning the doshas, or humors as they are called in Western medicine, to their correct levels.

Here are some signs associated with a low-functioning thyroid

* High levels of lethargy
* Coldness in the hands and/or feet
* Frequent constipation, headaches
* Dry skin
* Obesity is also sometimes related to thyroid dysfunction

The thyroid also controls the hormones that determine obesity and your cholesterol level, so it is important to keep your thyroid in check for many reasons.

Some of the recommended remedies for thyroid condition include:

* Coconut oil for hypothyroidism
* Practicing yoga; in particular the position Sarvangasna, or the shoulder stand
* Include guggul in the diet to stimulate the thyroid, if needed

First, a word of caution about adding the guggul extract to your diet. Before making any changes to your diet make sure you first consult with your primary physician or practitioner in case you are currently taking a medication that might have a negative interaction with the supplement.

Other herbs ayurvedic medicine suggests for thyroid condition include shilajita, jatamansi, and punarnava. These can be obtained by visiting your local health food store, herbalist, or a variety of Internet websites.

Other diet suggestions that might help your thyroid condition:

* Drink lots of hot ginger tea
* Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables
* Avoid dairy and wheat products
* Avoid salty foods

Another beneficial yoga position is the hala asana, or plow position. Again, a note of caution must be inserted here. It is recommended that a woman who is menstruating should not perform this position. If you are interested in learning how to do these moves, there are many websites available that can teach you the proper techniques for doing them. Some of the better websites even have pictures to help you out.

Constipation is often a huge problem for people who suffer from thyroids. Triphala is an ayurvedic remedy for constipation. Triphala is made up of three fruits, amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki, which come from India. It is thought to balance the three doshas, or humors, in ayurvedic thought and is used as a remedy for many other things as well.



Thalasemia Cure, Remedies, Natural Ayurvedic Thalasemia Treatment

Thalasemia is a blood disorder caused by a lack of protein, which leads to sufficient red cells not being made, which in turn leads to the body failing to produce hermoglobin. With insufficient red cells and hermoglobin, the sufferer will contract a mild form of anemia.

Thalasemia is an inherited disorder and sufferers can go through their whole lives unaware that they are carrying it. If both parents are carriers then almost certainly the offspring will b affected too. However if only one parent has it, there is a good chance that the healthy genes inherited from the non-carrying parent will be strong enough to fight off the defective genes and the child will be unaffected.

The condition is particularly prelevant amongst those of Asian, Mediterranean, Filipino, African and Chinese descent.

Symptoms of Thalasemia
These are other conditions which may occur because of suffering from Thalasemia and the sufferers inability to produce sufficent healthy red blood cells.

* Fatigue
* Pale skin
* Jaundice
* Poor bone growth
* Protruding abdomen
* Enlarged liver or spleen

As the sufferer will already know if they carry the Thalasemia gene or not the development of any of these conditions does not mean you have Thalasemia and if you are not a carrier and contract one of the conditions you should treat it as such in isolation.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Thalasemia
Nobody can prevent or cure Thalasemia, it’s the misfortune of the sufferer to have inherited it from one or both of their parents. So all you can do is manage the condition sufficiently well to be able to function as normally as possible in every day life.

The Ayurvedic method can alleviate by-products of Thalasemia like fatigue and general weakness, jaundice, spleen and liver dysfunction and anemia.

Ayurvedic remedy for spleen and liver dysfunction

Pueramia tuberosa (biadankand) is a pitta revitalizing tonic that can spark both the liver and the spleen back into life.